Monday, November 22, 2010

One Year!

Can you believe that I've had this blog for just over a year now?  I guess I should have remarked on this on November 11, since that was my first official post.  Ahh, oh well.  Live and learn. :)

Looking back at those first few posts, I can appreciate how much I've grown in my knitting in the last year.  I was so very proud of my first project, Pengu.  He's sort of quirky, but still cute. And reminds me that everyone has to start somewhere.

The biggest difference in my blogging has been that my initial writing style has changed from almost talking to myself (because no one knew about the blog) to now talking to a small group of followers. :) Thank you to everyone who stops by to have a read and journey with me through my knitting, sewing and crafting escapades.   I notice how rambly those first posts are (and you're thinking, they're not rambly now?) and believe me, I've improved! :)

I love that I have my blog to capture all that's I've done and want to remember.  So much of what I make (in any medium), leaves my hands and goes to another home, so I can't sit and admire the completed project.

Last year this time I was gearing up for Thanksgiving and the holidays, the first we'd celebrate without my grandmother.  Holidays over the past year have been rough for us because we feel that hole that's not filled by her presence.  But we celebrate by knowing she's looking down on us and watching us remember her and spend time together as a family.

In other news, I've started the Christmas knitting.  Hoping this first project will go quickly.  I'd like to have it off the needles and blocking by the weekend.   We'll see how this week plays out, especially with Thanksgiving, seeing as how I can't knit Christmas presents in front of the recipients! :)


  1. Happy Anniversary and I hope you have a great thanksgiving. It's a pleasure to read your blog and see your finished objects.

  2. Happy Anniversary, and congratulations!! I look forward to reading each new post of yours, you do such a wonderful job. Good luck with your holiday knitting :-)
