Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Feeling Relaxed

I have some finished objects ready to show you all, but not today.  I need to get a few items in the mail yet and I need to find some buttons to truly complete a couple projects.  (I really prefer to share things when I’d consider them ready to be gifted.)

I’ve been getting some really great response and feedback from the Applied I-Cord Tutorial I posted a few weeks back.  I’m so glad to hear from other knitters, telling me it helped them finish their cardigan.  That was my hope.  Perhaps this weekend I can even get a video tutorial posted as I’ve been meaning to do!

Over the last week I feel as though I’m a bit more focused with my knitting.  I’ve cast on a new pattern that I am loving!  I’m knitting with gorgeous yarn and I find it all scrumptious.  Truly, I am enjoying this project.  It won’t be finished quickly, but I’m happy to just sit and knit and not feel rushed about it all.

I’ll save the WIP details for tomorrow’s post, but wanted to stop in and say hello on a day other than Wednesday.


  1. I love this post Rae Lynne! It just made me smile :) It's great to see how relaxed you are and how much you're enjoying your knitting; you've made me stop and think about my own personal response to my knitting as of late and I hope to become more like you!!
    By the way, I am so glad you did an applied-I cord tutorial because I had a hard time figuring out what I was doing with Sheldon's shell, so I will be checking it out and then maybe I'll end up making him some cute little outfits :) Thanks so much for that!!

  2. @Armida
    I'm glad you enjoyed the post! :) Hopefully, I can stick to my plans and stay relaxed. It's so easy to want to get things done NOW - you forget how this is supposed to be something enjoyable and relaxing...not stressful and demanding! :)

  3. @Rae Lynne
    Isn't that the truth! Some days my Mom or sister will look over at me knitting away and be like "aren't you supposed to be enjoying knitting?"
    I just get too caught up with getting the thing done that I hardly take time to enjoy the actual process - which is strange because I think of myself as more of a process knitter than a project knitter. It's definately something I need to work on :)
